2020-09-10 15:08:18
߿Ʈ(ǥ , (NC)) 2M ټ ° OST(Original Sound Track) ٹ The Siege War( ) ߸ߴ.
The Siege War 2M ǥ ϳ ٹ̴. ٹ 尨 ġ ⸦ 8 Ǿ ִ.
ŸƲ Ƶ Ultimate Siege Warfare ( ). ݷϰ ÿ 尡 Ư¡ , Ƿ (Rock) ̶Ʈ ߴ. ѱ, , νƮ(Instrumental, DZ) Ƿ ִ.
NCSOUND() ۰ Flag Invaders( ħڵ) ȭ Ÿ dz (Brass, DZ) ְ ̴ End of the Clash(ġ ) ƮϷ ۰ Michael J. Elliott(Ŭ . ) 2 OST ũ Battle at Sundown 2(Ȳȥ 2) 㡮Final Crisis 2( 2) ϵǾ ִ.
̹ OST ٹ NCSOUND Ʃ äΰ Ʈ(, , , ̹, Ʃ ) ִ.
Ӽ ǥ-- 2.0 ѹα ̼ ̿ ֽϴ.