2019-11-02 06:05:16
ӹȭ(̻ ) 11 1, ߾ӹڹ Ұ翡 ͳݰ ߴ. ̹ ȭü( ھ) ѱ( 迵), ӹȸ( ȫ) ĿϿ, о ߴ.
ù° 丮 (Perry F. Renshaw, ̱ Ÿб ǰ а) ͳ Ű濵 Ű (Neuroimaging and Neural Substrates of Internet Gaming Disorder) Ȳ ǥߴ. ͳ Ӱ Ͽ ѱ ̱ ڷḦ ٽ ѹ ϴ , 74 ӻ Ͽ MRI Կ ϴ ǥ 50% ô ̰ ִ.
ͳݰ̿(IGD; Internet Gaming Disorder) ؿ ´ ʿ Ȳ̳ ̱ ڸ ϴ ̾, 15 ͳ IGD ڷ . 丮 Ϲ̿ ̿ ð ״ ־, ͳ Ȱ ٸ ȴ١ ǰ Ͽ.
ι° 庸 ַ (Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, ̱ Ÿб ǰ а) ABCD : (Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development – Study Overview : Preliminary Findings) ̱ 11,500( : 9-10) ̵ 10Ⱓ ߽ ȣƮ ǥߴ. 庸 ̵ IT ̵ Ҿ Ǵ ذ , ɰ ־ Ǿ ϹǷ ܼϰ ڴ١ ٴ ǰ Ҵ.
° Ÿ(Vladan Starcevic, ȣ õϴб ǰ а) ¶ΰ ̿ ȭ(Conceptualising problematic online gaming Conceptualising problematic online gaming) ICD-11 ̿(GD; Gaming Disorder) DSM-5 ͳݰ(IGD) Ȯ Ͽ. 躸DZⱸ(WHO) ̿(GD) ̱ȸ(APA) ͳݰ(IGD) غ ̾, ȯ ξ Ÿ Ȯ ־. ã ȯڵ WHO ܱ ̿(GD) ʴٴ Ȯ ־.
(б ̺ ɾ) IGD ġ ADHD ȯ : 3 (Influence of ADHD comorbidity on longitudinal course in IGD: a 3-year naturalistic follow-up study) ǥϿ. IGD ȭ ADHD ȭ ִ ̸, ADHD ġ IGD ĸ ϴµ ߿ Ȯ ־ٴ ̴.
̹ ()ӹȭ Ŀ پ о Բ ̰ ð ֵ ̹ ȸ ȹ̹Ƿ ɰ ٶ١ ߴ.
Ӽ ǥ-- 2.0 ѹα ̼ ̿ ֽϴ.