2019-03-05 14:59:38
(ǥ ) 縷 ڽ (Black Desert for Xbox One) ð(PST ; Pacific Standard Times, ǥؽ) 3 4 Ϲ̡ ߴٰ .
縷 ڽ ü MMORPG(ӿҼ)̴. 縷 Ȱ ȭ ڽ ֵ ߵƴ.
̿ڵ ȯ 4K(UHD) ȭ ַܼ ̿ ̽(UI) е带 ̿ ij Ŀ¡ ġ Ÿ ܼ ȭ 縷 ִ.
Ÿ Ʈ 30 Ѵ ̿ڰ ߴ. 3 1Ϻ ۵ (Early Access) 86% ȯ ϰ ִ.
10 ߰ ̿ڰ 鼭 7 ߰ ߴ.
Ϲ ִ ̵ IGN 並 縷 ڽ ־ ̴(Black Desert is a visually stunning game) ӵ ְ Ǵ ý MMORPG Ѵ(especially for gamepad-focused console players, will be the fast-paced and action-packed combat system. Its entirely different from what most people think of when they see the MMORPG acronym) ߴ.
Ī Become Your True Self ߴ. ̿ڰ 縷 Ŀ¡ ġ 迡 ִ.
ǥ PC ̾ 縷 ڽ ֽ Ϲ̡ ̿ڵ ߰ſ ɰ 帰١ Ͽ ȭ ̶͡ .
Ӽ ǥ-- 2.0 ѹα ̼ ̿ ֽϴ.