2018-08-03 14:41:27
۷ι e ġ ״ ̱ ƲŸ(Atlanta) ߱ (Guangzhou) ϰ Ӱ շѴٰ 3() ǥߴ.
̵ ű ֿ Ʒ :
̱ ƲŸ(Atlanta, Georgia) – ۽ (Cox Enterprises) Ŀ´̼, ̵ ڵ κ(Province, Inc.) 踦 ΰ ƲŸ e ó(Atlanta Esports Ventures)
߱ (Guangzhou, China) – ŷ (Nenking Group) θƮ ߱ γ CBA(Chinese Basketball Association) Ҽ ̿½(Guangzhou Long Lions)
Ʈ ڸī Ƽ ڵ e CEO(Pete Vlastelica, President and CEO of Activision Blizzard Esports Leagues) " ҵ Ų Ŭ (Barclays Center) ̳(Grand Finals) ġ Ȯ ҽ ϰ ̴١, ƲŸ շϰ ڰ Ѵ. 2019, ϴ ҵ ġ Ӱ Ե Ѵ١ Ұ .
Ʈ ġ Ŀ̼ų(Nate Nanzer, Commissioner of Overwatch League) "ƲŸ ̸鼭 ߰ Ŀ´Ƽ ִ. ҵ鿡 Ϸ ֱ⸦ ٶ١, װ Կ ڸ õǰ , ̸ ִ ְ Ѵ١ ߴ.
ŬƮ ۽ ְ繫(Dallas Clement, Chief Financial Officer of Cox Enterprises) "e α ְ, ġ ״ ̹ ߽ ϰ ִ١, ƲŸ 迡 ҵ ġ ġ ̲ ְ ƴ. 츮 ƲŸ ٷ âν e ȭϴ ־ ڰ Ѵ١ .
۽ κ Ʈʽ ƲŸ e ó ع CEO(Paul Hamilton, President and CEO of Atlanta Esports Ventures) ġ e α ̰ ƲŸ 츮 Բ ִ پ ƴ., ڵ θƮ âǷ° ƲŸ e ó ̱ ߽ e â غ ƴ١ ߴ.
̽ÿ ŷ ȸ(Zhong Naixiong, Chairman of the Nenking Group) 쿡 ġ â ־ ſ еȴ١, ŷ ̿½ 쿡 ڶѴ. 츮 Ϸ 뿡 츦 ǥϿ Ȱϰ, ҵ鿡 ںν ֱ⸦ ϰ ִ١ Ұ .
ΰ, ڼ ġ ǥ ̴. ߰ ġ ű 2019 ٿ ̴.
, 2017-2018 ġ 8 26~27(~), ĶϾ ũ ġ ڵ Ʒ ν(Blizzard Arena Los Angeles) ýŸ ˵带 ȴ. 26Ͽ ų ġ äο δ 簡 ̸, (Intel) Ŀ Ͽ 뼭 ýŸ ⵿ϴ ġ ýŸ ֵȴ.
Ӽ ǥ-- 2.0 ѹα ̼ ̿ ֽϴ.