2018-03-01 14:29:15
ǰ ȸ , ( б, ȩŲ б, Ȧ б, õ б ) 36 躸DZⱸ(World Health Organization, WHO) (gaming disorder) ż ȹ ݴ Ÿ´.
(A Weak Scientific Basis for Gaming Disorder: Let us err on the side of caution) ൿ ߵ (Journal of Behavioral Addictions) ̴. ϴ ֿ Ʒ .
․ ش ϴ ָ Ȯϰ ϱ ƴٴ
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․ Ű ǵ ȯ ȭϴ ӻ ȸ ƶ ִٴ
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․ Ȳ ȯ ȭ ġų ִٴ
․ з ý ο ȯ ȭϱ ߵ Ȯϰ ž Ѵٴ
(Brazilian Union of Video and Games) ī(Interactive Entertainment South Africa), ѱ(Korea Association of Game Industry, K-GAMES) ‧ü ָ зϷ WHO ȹ ݴϴ ¿ շߴ.
ö K-GAMES ȸ ְ ٰ ұϰ ָ ȯ зϷ WHO ȹ 迡 ݹϴ ̵ ϰ ִ١ WHO з õ ϰ ɰ ٰŰ ŭ ﰢ ߴܵž Ѵ١ ߴ.
, ġ, ũ̼ ġ ̹ ް ִ. ȸ ʿ ֿ ɷ° , µ ϱ μ Ȱǰ ִ.
̹ (Brazilian Union of Video and Games), ̱(Entertainment Software Association), ij(Entertainment Software Association of Canada), ī(Interactive Entertainment South Africa), ȣ (Interactive Games & Entertainment Association), 18(Interactive Software Federation of Europe), ѱ(Korea Association of Game Industry) ӻ ǥϴ ȸ ƴ.
Ӽ ǥ-- 2.0 ѹα ̼ ̿ ֽϴ.